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Fleet Electrification made easy

Private charge@work
You would like to charge your private electric vehicle at one of your company's locations? No problem!

On these pages you can easily apply for your private charge@work solution. To do so, simply follow the instructions below.

We are looking forward to your request!
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Register for private charge@work in just 3 steps

Billing Vehicle
Follow the button or QR code below and fill out the digital questionnaire to unlock your card for pc@w.
Add payment info
After checking your request, you will get access to the payment platform and you can deposit your preferred payment method (SEPA, credit card, PayPal, Klarna, etc.).
Unlock your charging card
Your charging card is activated for selected charging points. You can now charge your private vehicle at the company site!
You can apply for your private charge@work solution via the button or the QR code:
Your Contact at inno2fleet
Robin Pieper
Project Lead
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